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"A unique mosaic of habitats that supports an
incredible diversity of wildlife"
- Kent Wildlife Trust
Why would developing this site be so harmful to nature, wildlife and humans?
100 hectares ...

of SSSI land would be destroyed, with habitat fragementation and disturbance from light and noise having further impacts on nature and wildlife.
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
2000 species ...

of invertebrate that live on the peninsula, including 250 that are rare or threatened, would be displaced or killed.
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
Traffic Chaos
Thousands ...

of extra cars will be added to local roads every single day, creating even worse congestion than exists already in areas like Swanscombe, Gravesend and Dartford.
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
571.33mm ...

is the average annual rainfall in Swanscombe (source: Met Office). Without the Swanscombe Peninsula floodplain, flooding will extend even further inland.
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
82 species ...

of breeding birds, including nightingales, kingfishers and long-eared owls, would suffer devastating impact.
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
Job Losses

of existing skilled, local jobs would be affected as businesses are forced from the area ahead of development.
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
Air Pollution
4.2 times ...

the level of PM2.5 in Swanscombe was 4.2 times the WHO annual air quality guideline value when checked with IQ Air in November 2021. The extra cars and loss of Swanscombe's natural carbon sink will make the air quality even worse.
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion
of extra cars will be added to local roads every day creating even worse congestion

Get Involved!
Save Swanscombe Peninsula!
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